Monday, March 7, 2011

Week 2: The Best Things in Life ARE Free

Web 2.0-What's the big deal?  Is it necessary?  Is it here to stay?  Is this the new education "buzz word"?  What's all the hype?

As educators, it is important to be aware of new trends, methods, and styles of teaching and learning.  It is probably one of the most frustrating part of our job.  In my opinion, a GOOD educator is a lifelong learner.  An educator who takes the time to better them self, to learn the new methods of instruction, and ways to reach all students is one who truly values their profession and understands how their actions can affect those they are in front of on a daily basis, year after year.

But, how do we know what "trends" are here to stay.  What is worth our valuable time?  When is it safe to say something new will be around for a while?

Remember the "New Math"?  As a mathematics educator, I am always a little leery of changes to curriculum and teaching styles....when, or will we ever see another "New Math"?  As educators, our time is valuable, and if we are going to educate ourselves, and spend countless hours, and in many cases, some of our hard-earned money, on Professional Development, how do we know what is worth our time?

So, Web 2.0, and the 21st Century Classroom...What is it all about?  What was wrong with Web 1.0?  How can educators incorporate it successfully?  How do educators get school boards/districts on board for support?  Why bother?

Let's face it, technology is here to stay, and it is ever-changing, and our students will need technology to survive.  These "digital natives" will have to rely on technology in their daily lives. "We can no longer claim that the US educational results are unparalleled.  Student around the world outperform American students on assessments that measure 21st century skills.  Today's teachers need better tolls to address this growing problem". "Competition is changing internationally".  "Workplace, jobs, and skill demands are changing." ("New Tools, New Schools", p. 17,18)  By the is also what students want...

"The old way of doing things is presentation-driven...what makes the difference is preparing students with 21st century skills using a flexible approach rather than teaching just what will be tested."  ("New Tools, New Schools", p.21)

"One of the exciting aspect of Web 2.0 tolls is that they are free programs that could replace traditional application suites for which schools ordinarily must pay." (New Tools... p.23)  During the many elective courses I have taken for my program, I was introduced to a countless number of tools, but how does one keep them organized?  It can be overwhelming.  Delicious and Diigo can be of some help, but the mass amount of information and tools can make your head spin. is a neat site that I found that houses many of the educational web2.0 used by educators.  Sites similar to these that organise and house tools are another great way to keep organized.

There are also many networking sites for educators where we can collaborate and share ideas and tools that have, or have not been successful in the classroom.  An example of this, EdWeb allows educators to connect and create PLC's.  These, FREE networks and FREE webinars can help us tremendously keep up with the changing time.

There is no excuse.  As I often say to my students, you have a great advantage, you literally have the world at your fingertips.  Take control of your learning.  I like to practice what I preach...The training educators need to help our students survive, and succeed is also at our fingertips...and most of the is FREE!

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