Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Week 2: Digital Footprint


Did you ever google yourself?  I have often heard students during class, and colleagues at workshops discussing what they have found out about themselves by googling their name, yet after all of the classes I have completed on web 2.0, internet safety, your digital footprint, blah, blah, blah, I had never bothered.  I figured, I know all about me...well... Bernadette Fash..boy do I NOT know you! 

I was amazed to find out how many "hits" I do have. Some I did know about, for example, the information regarding my school district email and positions I have in the district on our district website, but most of the other information, things that have happened in my life (for the good, thank God) I didn't realize were "public knowledge".

For example: 
I created  a twitter account that I have since "dropped" and not used hardly once..Twitter and to my dismay, there are a few people "following me" there that I had no idea about..

One of the most interesting ones that I discovered was I was featured on "Rate My Teacher"...I guess I wasn't too upset...

Then, of course there is facebook, too many details for there...

Needless to say, I was shocked on how much info was out there about me...nothing inappropriate...that I have found, but a little disturbing on how easy it is for people to leave their "footprint", or have someone leave it for you...Article 1, Article 2.  Again, nothing earth-shattering, but it's out there, and Article 2 I didn't even know about!  Even though these findings for me are harmless, who is to say that one day I do come across information about me that isn't true?  How do you prevent "bad footprints" from happening to you?  You can take caution yourself, but who protects you from others putting your name out there?  Just another thing to lose sleep over?

As you can see this blog has been around for a bit...actually I was initially using edublogs, but I recently switched over for another course I was taking, and you can see...I am not much of a blogger.  I basically did it as a requirement for the courses.  I can't seem to find it in me, or the time to sit here on a regular basis and post my thoughts for the world to read...

As I begin my final course in my Master's Program through PSU, I am looking forward to re-visitng why I began this journey in the first place.  What has attracted me to this course so far, just by reading the syllabus and requirements and getting the chance to see previous student work, is the application aspect.  I am not much of a reader or writer, so needless to say the psychology and methods part of my program were a struggle.  I am looking forward to finishing what I started with my beginning electives, that is changing the way my students learn, helping myself and even my colleagues change the way we teach/reach our students.  Enhancing my lessons and activities and creating a true 21st Century classroom/learning environment.

1 comment:

  1. I know, the digital footprint can be a scary thing! I think it is so important for us to talk to our children/students about this and let them know that it follows them everywhere they go. They may or may not listen, but if they hear it each and every year they are in school, it may start to sink in! We are lucky in a way as adults. Most of the information just started for us on the internet, so there really should not be too much out there. Our students are just beginning their lives, they have a long journey ahead of themselves! I am happy to have you and I hope I can help you, I am pretty sure I can, with your final sentence ...."I am looking forward to finishing what I started with my beginning electives, that is changing the way my students learn, helping myself and even my colleagues change the way we teach/reach our students. Enhancing my lessons and activities and creating a true 21st Century classroom/learning environment. "
