Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Webinar Review: "Digital Nation-Education in the Digital Age"

This Webinar was an interview of Rachel Dretzin-PBS Frontline Producer conducted by Steve Hargaden of Classroom 2.0, discussing her new project "Digital Nation".

Here is the projects introduction video:

This webinar was helpful in pointing out a few videos that I found interesting that I would love to share with you.  They highlighted many valid points and raised many questions that I have had, and still struggle with.

Is it Multi-tasking or Distraction?:

Here are a few questions that came to mind:
1.  Do we, as educators (no matter what level) have to just accept the fact that "digital natives" do this during our classes?
2.  Where do we draw the line?
It is true that we ("Digital Immigrants") had our version of multi-tasking...such as taking notes during a lecture (by hand of course), or maybe even making our shopping lists and "to-do" lists during lectures, but is the new form of multi-tasking becoming more a distraction?
3.  Yes, our students are different, and need to be stimulated, but how does an educator prevent the technology and the need for stimulation from driving the course and the content?

The other video, that focuses on the positive side of this new "Digital Nation" is a Video clip of "Bubbe":

Now, if at 83 years of age someone can "immigrate" into the Digital Nation, why can't we.  Yes, like Bubbe we still long for a "voice call", a hand-written letter and an actual face-to-face visit, but if you can't beat em...join em!  It seems that Bubbe's life has been enriched in such a short period of time, imagine what it can do for us and our children if used the right way!

Needless to say, this webinar has introduced me to a brand new resource and given me access to so much more useful information on many different points of view of our "Digital Nation"!

1 comment:

  1. I love the Bubbe video...

    Yes, in answer to your first question, above- my answer is that we do have to accept that this is a digital age, and so on. I think what bugs me lately is that people are blaming the technology. Kids are going to do kid-things. We can teach them how to use things in a responsible manner or we can cower from these things, showing our children that we can be frightened by change. I mean, I know I said this in a post later, but.. when I was a kid, we passed notes back and forth but no one was taking away our paper and writing utensils.
